Dr. Anita C., 2018 Graduate
Do you know of a site who is accepting MFT interns?
Do you, a colleague, or a recent graduate need MFT interns to supervise?
Do you know of anyone working toward AAMFT-approved or state-approved supervisor status?
We are always looking to add sites and supervisors to our database for students to search through. Please let us know if you, or anyone
you know, are interested in working with our NCU students!
Learn More: clinical@ncu.edu
F A L L 2 0 21 – I S S U E 8
What motivates you in your clinical and supervisory work?
While I love working with couples and individuals to assist them in finding hope and healing, I am most
motivated by my work with supervisees because I know the result can be exponential. As I lend my
experience and knowledge to newly developing therapists, I hope that they will spread their wings
and touch hundreds, if not thousands, of lives. I know they have the potential to preserve families, to
heal individuals, to instill new hope and motivation in those who previously had little or none. The
professional relationships that are built through working so closely with supervisees contributes to the
richness of the mentoring experience while anticipating the supervisees becoming part of my
collaborative network and respected colleagues. My greatest motivation is based on my belief that
true change is possible, that humans with empathy and honed clinical skills can affect that change,
and that change in one human can influence powerful change in their individual and collective