N O R T H C E N T R A L U N I V E R S I T Y: N C U M F T S U P E R V I S O R C O R N E R
In this issue
We are pleased to present the eighth issue of the NCU MFT
Supervisor Corner newsletter. The goals of the newsletter are to:
Connect: Help local supervisors become familiar with and learn
from one another
Support: Provide supervisors with information about best practices
for MFT supervision
Close the loop: Keep supervisors informed of updates to the MFT
program based on feedback from students and supervisors
In this issue, we clarify our telehealth practices, share feedback
from students, and include information on upcoming changes to
our clinical requirements due to updates with our accrediting body.
We also introduce you to two of your own: Dr. Debi Gilmore and
Michael Gisser.
We also wanted to remind you of the current research project that
NCU Faculty are working on related to teletherapy. We appreciate
your support!
If you would like to contribute to the newsletter or have feedback,
please reach out to the clinical team (clinical@ncu.edu). We hope
you enjoy the MFT Supervisor Corner newsletter and find it helpful!
Gerald F., 2014 Graduate
Natonis W., 2019 Graduate