Northcentral University

SSBS Faculty Newsletter_Jan22_Final

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4 Brandi Chamberlin, PhD, NCC Program Director, Clinical Mental Health, Department of Psychology Dr. Chamberlin has a PhD in Counselor Education and Supervision, with a clinical focus in crisis and trauma. She is currently teaching a few masters in Psychology courses, while developing the Clinical Mental Health Counseling program. Her research interests are in online counselor education and multicultural counseling. Most recently, Dr. Chamberlin completed a series of courageous conversations about race in counseling, with the latest one done at the Alabama Counseling Association annual conference. She was recently accepted in to the Law and Ethics in counseling conference, for a presentation about the ethics of online course design using the NCU one-to-one model. Dr. Chamberlin is the president of the Lynchburg Area Counselor's Association, which is a local chapter of the Virginia Counselors Association. She also serves as the president-elect of the Virginia Association for Counselor Education and Supervision. Dr. Chamberlin has been married for 19 years and has four daughters, who keep her very busy. She enjoys the outdoors, and loves to travel, read, and watch her children compete in various activities. She is excited to be a part of the NCU faculty to continue her journey.

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