PACE - Education Course Of ferings
Modeling Social and Emotional Intelligence for
Children and Adolescents
Welcome to Modeling Social and Emotional Intelligence for
Children and Adolescents! Even before the pandemic, there was
an obvious need for helping children and adolescents develop
effective social emotional skills and dispositions. Since the
pandemic, a resounding call for Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
has continued to echo in homes, classrooms, and child-centered
programs. This course is based on the premise that by improving our
own social and emotional intelligence, we are better able to model
this for the young people in our lives. Our interactions at school,
at home, or in our communities are seen, heard, and observed by
children and adolescents. When we model self-care, compassion
for others, and prosocial behaviors, children and adolescents learn
to do the same. Enjoy this introductory course designed to help you
enhance and model social emotional intelligence!
Developing Students' Relationship Skills in the
Online Learning Community - Grades 4-12
Relationship skills are one of the five core competencies for Social
Emotional Learning (SEL). Integrating relationship skills into teaching
and learning helps to foster a safe, supportive learning environment.
Improved relationship skills aid students in forming and maintaining
connections with others. The ability to initiate human connection in
a virtual environment and to foster healthy, respectful relationships
will serve students for their entire life. This course can be helpful for
anyone teaching online.
Restorative Discipline in K-12 Settings
Any approach to discipline includes what happens before and what
happens after misbehavior. A restorative approach to discipline
supports Social Emotional Learning (SEL). From this perspective,
educators view misbehavior as a normal part of life and an
opportunity for teaching and learning. When undesirable behavior
occurs, educators respond in ways that help students strengthen their
social and emotional intelligence. This course is helpful for anyone
interested in a restorative approach to discipline.