Leading Virtual Teams
Do you have the skills to lead a virtual team? This course is focused
on the development of key skills needed in leading virtual teams
to support the success of virtual organizations. Through multimedia
and interactive exercises, you will be introduced to concepts
associated with leadership and team dynamics and how they can
be more challenging in a virtual environment. Through this course,
experienced professionals and entry-level candidates will begin
to build knowledge in diverse areas such as characteristics of
virtual teams, effective leadership styles for virtual teams, authentic
leadership, virtual coaching, and challenges and best practices in
each of these areas. This course serves as an effective foundation to
build upon as you continue developing skills through professional
The concepts covered will include:
•Leading virtual teams
•Effective leadership styles for leading virtual teams
•Authentic leadership
•Leadership coaching
Inclusive Leadership
Committing to the value of inclusivity on a personal level allows our
behaviors and actions to create more inclusive work environments.
Inclusive environments are ones where everyone feels safe, valued,
and accepted as their authentic selves. Our shared commitment
to inclusion benefits us all as inclusive environments are dynamic,
innovative, and truly built for the success and well-being of all. This
course will help you build skills associated with inclusive leadership.
In this course, you will learn to identify behaviors associated with
inclusive leadership, describe and identify intrapersonal and
interpersonal strategies associated with inclusive leadership, and
explore ways to build inclusive organizations by using the inclusive
excellence framework.
PACE - Leadership Course Of ferings